Getting Started

Generating API Keys

Calling API Functions


API Call Rate Limits

Affiliate Accounts



Merchant Accounts



TrafficSource Type

Represents a single affiliate traffic source.


Name Type Description
TrafficSourceType The type of traffic source.
TrafficSourceStatus The status of traffic source (whether or not the advertiser has approved the affiliate to use this traffic source).
DateTime The date and time that the website was created.
DateTime The date and time that the website was last modified.
WebsiteUrl Url The URL of the website.
WebsiteName String The name of the website.
WebsiteDescription String The description of the website.
WebsiteCategory WebsiteCategory The category of the website.
WebsiteType WebsiteType The type of the website.
WebsiteWeeklyVisitors Integer The approximate number of weekly visitors to the website.
WebsiteYearsOnline Integer The approximate number of years that the website has been online
WebsiteChannel WebsiteChannel The channel of the website.
WebsiteVerified Boolean A flag indicating whether or not the affiliate has verified ownership of the website.
DateTime The date and time that the email list was created.
DateTime The date and time that the email list was last modified.
EmailListName String The name of the email list.
EmailListDescription String The description of the email list.
EmailListCategory EmailListCategory The category of the email list.
EmailListSize Integer The approximate number of users in the email list.
EmailListFrequency EmailListFrequency The mailout frequency of the email list.
EmailListOptIn EmailListOptIn The the opt-in type of the email list.
SocialMediaPageCategory SocialMediaPageCategory The category of the social media page.
DateTime The date and time that the social media page was created.
DateTime The date and time that the social media page was last modified.
SocialMediaPageType SocialMediaPageType The type of the social media page.
SocialMediaPageName String The name of the social media page.
SocialMediaPageUrl Url The URL of the social media page.
SocialMediaPageCategory SocialMediaPageCategory The cateory of the social media page.
SocialMediaPageFollowers Integer The number of followers the social media page has.
SocialMediaPageFacebookCategory String The category of the Facebook page.
SocialMediaPageFacebookLikes Integer The number of likes on the Facebook page.
SocialMediaPagePinterestCollaborators String The number of collaborators the Pinterest board has.
SocialMediaPagePinterestFollowers String The number of followers the Pinterest board has.
SocialMediaPagePinterestFollowing String The number of users the Pinterest board is following.
SocialMediaPagePinterestPins String The number of pins the Pinterest board has.
SocialMediaPageTikTokDescription Integer The description of the TikTok page.
SocialMediaPageTumblrFollowers Integer The number of Tumblr followers.
SocialMediaPageTwitchDescription String The description of the Twitch page.
SocialMediaPageTwitchFollowers Integer The number of Twitch followers.
SocialMediaPageTwitterFollowers Integer The number of Twitter followers.
SocialMediaPageTwitterFriends Integer The number of Twitter friends.
SocialMediaPageYouTubeDescription String The description of the YouTube channel.
SocialMediaPageYouTubeSubscribers Integer The number of subscribers on the YouTube channel.
SocialMediaPageYouTubeVideos Integer The number of videos on the YouTube channel.
SocialMediaPageYouTubeViews Integer The number of views on the YouTube channel.


If you use the GET Affiliates function to retrieve multiple affiliates, then the TrafficSources property of each Affiliate object will be NULL.

If you use the GET Affiliates/[id] function to retrieve a single affiliate, then the TrafficSources property will contain a TrafficSourceArray object.

Some properties may or may not be transmitted depending on the traffic source type.

The following properties will be transmitted for all traffic source types:

  • Type
  • Status

The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Website":

  • WebsiteDateCreated
  • WebsiteDateModified
  • WebsiteUrl
  • WebsiteName
  • WebsiteDescription
  • WebsiteCategory
  • WebsiteType
  • WebsiteWeeklyVisitors
  • WebsiteYearsOnline
  • WebsiteChannel
  • WebsiteVerified

The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Email List":

  • EmailListDateCreated
  • EmailListDateModified
  • EmailListName
  • EmailListDescription
  • EmailListCategory
  • EmailListSize
  • EmailListFrequency
  • EmailListOptIn

The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page":

  • SocialMediaPageDateCreated
  • SocialMediaPageDateModified
  • SocialMediaPageType
  • SocialMediaPageName
  • SocialMediaPageUrl
  • SocialMediaPageCategory
  • SocialMediaPageFollowers

The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "Facebook":

  • SocialMediaPageFacebookCategory
  • SocialMediaPageFacebookLikes

The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "Tumblr":

  • SocialMediaPageTumblrFollowers

The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "Twitch":

  • SocialMediaPageTwitchDescription
  • SocialMediaPageTwitchFollowers

The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "Twitter":

  • SocialMediaPageTwitterFollowers
  • SocialMediaPageTwitterFriends

The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "YouTube":

  • SocialMediaPageYouTubeDescription
  • SocialMediaPageYouTubeSubscribers
  • SocialMediaPageYouTubeVideos
  • SocialMediaPageYouTubeViews



    "Type": "Website",
    "Status": "Approved",
    "WebsiteDateCreated": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000",
    "WebsiteDateModified": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000",
    "WebsiteUrl": "",
    "WebsiteName": "Example Domain",
    "WebsiteDescription": "This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission.",
    "WebsiteCategory": "Internet Services",
    "WebsiteType": "Content",
    "WebsiteWeeklyVisitors": 1001,
    "WebsiteYearsOnline": 10,
    "WebsiteChannel": "Content",
    "WebsiteVerified": true
<TrafficSource xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <WebsiteName>Example Domain</WebsiteName>
    <WebsiteDescription>This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission</WebsiteDescription>
    <WebsiteCategory>Internet Services</WebsiteCategory>

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