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Commission Factory
Represents a single affiliate traffic source.
Name | Type | Description |
Type |
TrafficSourceType | The type of traffic source. |
Status |
TrafficSourceStatus | The status of traffic source (whether or not the advertiser has approved the affiliate to use this traffic source). |
WebsiteDateCreated |
DateTime | The date and time that the website was created. |
WebsiteDateModified |
DateTime | The date and time that the website was last modified. |
WebsiteUrl | Url | The URL of the website. |
WebsiteName | String | The name of the website. |
WebsiteDescription | String | The description of the website. |
WebsiteCategory | WebsiteCategory | The category of the website. |
WebsiteType | WebsiteType | The type of the website. |
WebsiteWeeklyVisitors | Integer | The approximate number of weekly visitors to the website. |
WebsiteYearsOnline | Integer | The approximate number of years that the website has been online |
WebsiteChannel | WebsiteChannel | The channel of the website. |
WebsiteVerified | Boolean | A flag indicating whether or not the affiliate has verified ownership of the website. |
EmailListDateCreated |
DateTime | The date and time that the email list was created. |
EmailListDateModified |
DateTime | The date and time that the email list was last modified. |
EmailListName | String | The name of the email list. |
EmailListDescription | String | The description of the email list. |
EmailListCategory | EmailListCategory | The category of the email list. |
EmailListSize | Integer | The approximate number of users in the email list. |
EmailListFrequency | EmailListFrequency | The mailout frequency of the email list. |
EmailListOptIn | EmailListOptIn | The the opt-in type of the email list. |
SocialMediaPageCategory | SocialMediaPageCategory | The category of the social media page. |
SocialMediaPageDateCreated |
DateTime | The date and time that the social media page was created. |
SocialMediaPageDateModified |
DateTime | The date and time that the social media page was last modified. |
SocialMediaPageType | SocialMediaPageType | The type of the social media page. |
SocialMediaPageName | String | The name of the social media page. |
SocialMediaPageUrl | Url | The URL of the social media page. |
SocialMediaPageCategory | SocialMediaPageCategory | The cateory of the social media page. |
SocialMediaPageFollowers | Integer | The number of followers the social media page has. |
SocialMediaPageFacebookCategory | String | The category of the Facebook page. |
SocialMediaPageFacebookLikes | Integer | The number of likes on the Facebook page. |
SocialMediaPagePinterestCollaborators | String | The number of collaborators the Pinterest board has. |
SocialMediaPagePinterestFollowers | String | The number of followers the Pinterest board has. |
SocialMediaPagePinterestFollowing | String | The number of users the Pinterest board is following. |
SocialMediaPagePinterestPins | String | The number of pins the Pinterest board has. |
SocialMediaPageTikTokDescription | Integer | The description of the TikTok page. |
SocialMediaPageTumblrFollowers | Integer | The number of Tumblr followers. |
SocialMediaPageTwitchDescription | String | The description of the Twitch page. |
SocialMediaPageTwitchFollowers | Integer | The number of Twitch followers. |
SocialMediaPageTwitterFollowers | Integer | The number of Twitter followers. |
SocialMediaPageTwitterFriends | Integer | The number of Twitter friends. |
SocialMediaPageYouTubeDescription | String | The description of the YouTube channel. |
SocialMediaPageYouTubeSubscribers | Integer | The number of subscribers on the YouTube channel. |
SocialMediaPageYouTubeVideos | Integer | The number of videos on the YouTube channel. |
SocialMediaPageYouTubeViews | Integer | The number of views on the YouTube channel. |
If you use the GET Affiliates function to retrieve multiple affiliates, then the TrafficSources property of each Affiliate object will be NULL.
If you use the GET Affiliates/[id] function to retrieve a single affiliate, then the TrafficSources property will contain a TrafficSourceArray object.
Some properties may or may not be transmitted depending on the traffic source type.
The following properties will be transmitted for all traffic source types:
The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Website":
The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Email List":
The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page":
The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "Facebook":
The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "Tumblr":
The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "Twitch":
The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "Twitter":
The following properties will only be transmitted if Type is "Social Media Page" and SocialMediaPageType is "YouTube":
{ "Type": "Website", "Status": "Approved", "WebsiteDateCreated": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000", "WebsiteDateModified": "2000-01-01T00:00:00.000", "WebsiteUrl": "https://www.example.com/", "WebsiteName": "Example Domain", "WebsiteDescription": "This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission.", "WebsiteCategory": "Internet Services", "WebsiteType": "Content", "WebsiteWeeklyVisitors": 1001, "WebsiteYearsOnline": 10, "WebsiteChannel": "Content", "WebsiteVerified": true }
<TrafficSource xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="https://api.commissionfactory.com/V1/Affiliate"> <Type>Website</Type> <Status>Approved</Status> <WebsiteDateCreated>2000-01-01T00:00:00.000</WebsiteDateCreated> <WebsiteDateModified>2000-01-01T00:00:00.000</WebsiteDateModified> <WebsiteUrl>https://www.example.com</WebsiteUrl> <WebsiteName>Example Domain</WebsiteName> <WebsiteDescription>This domain is established to be used for illustrative examples in documents. You may use this domain in examples without prior coordination or asking for permission</WebsiteDescription> <WebsiteCategory>Internet Services</WebsiteCategory> <WebsiteType>Content</WebsiteType> <WebsiteWeeklyVisitors>1001</WebsiteWeeklyVisitors> <WebsiteYearsOnline>10</WebsiteYearsOnline> <WebsiteChannel>Content</WebsiteChannel> <WebsiteVerified>true</WebsiteVerified> </TrafficSourceItem>