Getting Started

Generating API Keys

Calling API Functions


API Call Rate Limits

Affiliate Accounts



Merchant Accounts



Merchant Types

Types related to merchant accounts.

Affiliate Type

Represents a single affiliate.

AffiliateArray Type

Represents zero or more affiliates.

AffiliateReport Type

Represents a single line in an affiliate report.

AffiliateReportArray Type

Represents zero or more lines in an affiliate report.

AffiliateStatus Enumeration

Specifies constants that define an affiliate status.

Banner Type

Represents a single banner.

BannerArray Type

Represents zero or more banners.

BannerGroup Type

Represents a single banner group.

BannerGroupArray Type

Represents zero or more banner groups.

BannerSize Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a banner size.

Coupon Type

Represents a single coupon.

CouponArray Type

Represents zero or more coupons.

CreativeNameReport Type

Represents a single line in a creative name report.

CreativeNameReportArray Type

Represents zero or more lines in a creative name report.

CreativeSizeReport Type

Represents a single line in a creative size report.

CreativeSizeReportArray Type

Represents zero or more lines in a creative size report.

CreativeType Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a creative type.

CreativeTypeReport Type

Represents a single line in a creative type report.

CreativeTypeReportArray Type

Represents zero or more lines in a creative type report.

CustomerType Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a type of customer.

DataFeed Type

Represents a single data feed.

DataFeedArray Type

Represents zero or more data feeds.

DataFeedItem Type

Represents a single item in a data feed.

DataFeedItemArray Type

Represents zero or more items in a data feed.

DataFeedType Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a data feed type.

DataFeedUpdateFrequency Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a data feed update frequency.

DateReport Type

Represents a single line in a date report.

DateReportArray Type

Represents zero or more lines in a date report array.

DateTime Type

A string that represents a date and time in a subset of the ISO 8601 format.

DynamicTool Type

Represents a single dynamic tool.

DynamicToolArray Type

Represents zero or more dynamic tools.

DynamicToolType Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a dynamic tool type.

EmailListCategory Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the category of an email list.

EmailListFrequency Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the mailout frequency of an email list.

EmailListOptIn Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the opt-in type of an email list.

Promotion Type

Represents a single promotion.

PromotionArray Type

Represents zero or more promotions.

SocialMediaPageCategory Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the category of a social media page.

SocialMediaPageType Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the type of a social media page.

TrackingMethod Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a tracking method.

TrafficSource Type

Represents a single affiliate traffic source.

TrafficSourceArray Type

Represents zero or more affiliate traffic sources.

TrafficSourceStatus Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the status of a traffic source.

TrafficSourceReport Type

Represents a single line in a traffic source report.

TrafficSourceType Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the type of a traffic source.

TrafficSourceReportArray Type

Represents zero or more lines in a traffic source report.

TrafficType Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a traffic type.

TrafficTypeReport Type

Represents a single line in a traffic type report.

TrafficTypeReportArray Type

Represents zero or more lines in a traffic type report.

Transaction Type

Represents a single transaction.

TransactionAmendedReason Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the reason why a transaction was amended.

TransactionArray Type

Represents zero or more transactions.

TransactionItem Type

Represents a single item that was purchased as part of a transaction.

TransactionItemArray Type

Represents zero or more items that were purchased as part of a transaction.

TransactionStatus Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a transaction status. This type is deprecated, as it does not include the full range of possible transaction statuses. Please see the TransactionStatus2 Enumeration type.

TransactionStatus2 Enumeration

Specifies constants that define a transaction status.

TransactionVoidReason Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the reason why a transaction was voided.

Video Type

Represents a single video.

VideoArray Type

Represents zero or more videos.

VisitorCountryReport Type

Represents a single line in a visitor country report.

VisitorCountryReportArray Type

Represents zero or more lines in a visitor country report.

WebsiteCategory Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the category of a website.

WebsiteChannel Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the channel of a website.

WebsiteType Enumeration

Specifies constants that define the type of a website.